Laugh all you want,
we’ll take care of the lines

Anti-Ageing Treatments
Your body is beautiful,
let’s refine the package

Body Treatments
Get a body-vacation while
we unload the baggage

Wellness Offerings
True JOY is having instant youth,
just spray it on!
Shop JOY

Best Skincare & Facial Treatment | Mayfair Beauty Wellness Centre

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    About Mayfair Beauty Wellness Centre Malaysia

    Best Face Salon Near Me

    Your beauty journey may be a bumpy road, but we’ll be right next to you…

    We yearn for the beautiful; be it for a pretty dress, an elegant brooch, or even a lovely face and body. If your aim is to attain your beauty goals, to have that picture-perfect face and dream body, know that the journey there is not easy.

    It requires commitment and diligent hard work, but what you may not know is that no matter how determined you are, there are always temptations on your journey. That is why it is important to have a trusted partner on your journey – to keep you focused and steer you in the right direction. We’ve been doing this for more than 40 years, we understand how tough it can be, how lonely the journey is, but we also know how fun and exciting it can be. Let us walk, run, sprint with you, we can make it more enjoyable.

    Beauty Wellness Center

    Get to know us more

    Mayfair Beauty Centre Malaysia

    we’ll walk to your beauty destination together!
    Almost Four Decades
    Worth of Experience

    With years of practice and enough case studies under our belt, we know what’s best and what’s not.

    Lean On Us

    Don’t worry, you can fall back on us.
    We’ll hold, support, reaffirm, and remind you of your goals to keep you going.

    Real Results

    No matter how big or small the achievement, we’re proud of you, even if you’re still on the way to get there.

    Best Facial Treatment Near Me


    Look the world straight in the face
    and say “I AM BEAUTIFUL!”

    We know you’d be lying if you said your heart didn’t drop when you first saw signs of ageing. With our My-Lift facial treatment, you can now KO double chin and have your V-shaped face back – instantly reverse signs of ageing!

    The My-Lift facial treatment gets to the root cause – it fixes your skin structure at the root layer to ensure we have a healthy base to work on to help activate collagen regeneration for non-stop improvement for 2 years. We ensure that this is not a one-time thing and is sustainable for you to enjoy on your beauty journey.

    Facial Care Center

    Here’s Your Beauty Journey
    01 Welcome
    02 Consultation
    03 Treatment
    04 Look Younger Longer

    My-Lift Facial Treatment

    Body Contouring Near Me


    Don’t have to break a sweat,
    you’ll still slender on

    We know you’ve worked hard enough, but there are places in the anatomy that you cannot reach, as though these stubborn fats have decided to move in permanently. What if we tell you that with our My-Fit body treatment, all you need to do is lie down for 30 minutes to burn fat and build muscle? Yes, it’s true! You can experience the sensation of working out, without really having to.

    My-Fit Body Treatment

    Hello, Youth

    Experience spray-on youth with instant lifting effect and non-stop collagen regeneration with just a spritz – this is our first super serum facial mist, [A Spritz of Joy]. Made in Japan and powered by P2A+ Japanese technology, this super serum facial mist can instantly help reverse signs of ageing. You’d feel true joy knowing that the answer for youthful skin was so simple all along.

    Look younger, feel younger, know that true joy is just a spritz away.


    Blog Articles

    Blog Articles Tips

    Let’s Walk Your Beauty Journey,
    Everyone has their very own - from hoping to lose a few kilos, to having younger-looking skin. These dreams are entirely achievable, yet the journey often seems longer than expected.

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    38 年来首次公开的抗衰秘密
    3 个宝藏美体护肤疗程
    能在市内找得到的美容服务非常的五花八门;身边也有不少的闺蜜朋友们相互介绍各种护肤品、抗皱宝典、瘦身疗程等等等… 只尝试了一次半次也真的很难下定论说哪个更好、哪个是必不可少的。

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